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Self-awareness is a critical aspect of becoming a better runner. You may wish to increase your cadence, be more physically fit, or connect with people through running. Whatever your goal, making running about the process and not the end result will help you develop a positive relationship with running. Here are some tips:

Increase your running cadence

Increasing your running cadence is a good way to avoid heel pounding and increase your overall performance. You can also change your stride length to reduce the length of your stride. Increasing your cadence can reduce the amount of impact your feet take on landing and improve your overall running speed. There are several different factors that affect cadence, but the most important one is your body’s natural rhythm.

Take days off to relax

Taking time off can be beneficial to both your training and your mental health. While running is good for your body, if you have too much energy, you may find yourself snapping at your loved ones. A day or two off from running can help you reset your energy levels and get back into the mood for running. Plus, you’ll be ready to go out and run in a more enjoyable way!

Read articles, books and forums

To improve your running technique, you can read articles, books and forums. The Practical Running Book is a great resource for learning the basics of running. It contains useful information on how to run more efficiently and safely. The authors also discuss the various aspects of running, including proper diet, exercises and stretches. By following these tips, you can become a better runner. For more information about running, read Running Tips for Women.

Build up your weekly mileage

If you’d like to become a better runner, you must build up your weekly mileage over time. Too much mileage in a short period of time can cause injury. The rule of thumb is to increase your mileage by at least 10 to 15 percent per week. But this rule doesn’t apply to runners doing less than 20 miles a week. Instead, you should gradually increase your mileage by one to two miles every other week.

Incorporate faster and slower runs into your week

You should incorporate slower and faster runs into your weekly schedule to increase your running speed. Slower runs can help you feel better and finish without stopping. They can also help you dial in the proper pace. To help you do this, I recommend a talk-test tool. It measures your heart rate, pace, and how much you talk. Using this tool will help you dial in the right pace for your run.

Keep a running journal

A running journal is an ideal tool for tracking your training, races, and daily running routes. These journals feature spaces for running routes and daily mileage, as well as for jotting down race-related notes. They also feature a weekly info bomb to help you keep track of your goals and progress. These journals also contain full-color photos that will inspire you to keep going. As a bonus, they also feature advice for analyzing data.